Nordic Gorka Narodowa
Stefana Banacha Street, Kraków
A total of 98 apartments with a floor area of 4,988.80 sqm have been designed. Provision has been made for 88 parking spaces located in the underground garage and 10 parking spaces in the area.

YIT Development
The planned building has two six-story above-ground sections, each on a square plan. Porte-fenetre windows have been incorporated into the building’s very regular modular layout on the facades. Balconies with simple, openwork balustrades attached from the front of the balcony supports have been proposed.

The same balustrade was used as protection for the windows The same balustrade was used as protection for the porte-fenetre windows, which do not have balconies.The building’s brick facades have an elegant appearance, which was achieved through consistent implementation of the idea, selection of a limited number of finishing materials, and clear harmony.Porte-fenetre type, which do not have balconies.